Train to Busan Peninsula. Do we need Sequels ?

PENINSULA Movie Review 

Train to Busan was released last 2016. It was a hit locally and internationally that's why many people were happy when they announced that a sequel will be coming. And it will have a whole new cast. 
The Peninsula's timeline occurred 4 years later after the outbreak. And as I can see, even Busan which is the only safest place before was invaded too. The whole korean Peninsula was already in chaos.
The movie started when Kang Dong Won (Jeong sok) a soldier is travelling to Incheon port with his sister, nephew and his friend Chul min to ride a ship that will escape the peninsula. On the way Jeong sok ignored the plead of a woman whose carrying her child and was asking for help. 
One infected cause havoc on the ship that also affects many including Jeong won's nephew and sister. He arrived in Hongkong with Chungmin. And then a group of gangster hired them to retrieve huge money that was left in Korea.
So this is where the breathtaking and astonishing encounter with the zombies really start.
In Train to Busan, it was really thrilling because you will wonder how will they survive from horrifying zombies inside a Train. 
And now here in Peninsula, the thrilling question is how will they survive in a Peninsula that was already swarming with zombies. 

Jeong won and Chung min got separated due to  ambush. Jeong won was saved by the cool sisters Joon and Yu jin. I really love this two kids because they're so brave even if they're in a place full of zombies. Joon's driving skills and Yu jin's expert in luring zombies with her car toys 
Chung min was taken by bunch of rogue military where he became part of their survival game. 
Jeong won and the two sisters arrived in their hide out with their granpa and mother Min Jung. The woman who Jeong won ignored in the very beginning. 
Talking about fate  If Train to Busan have Gong Yoo and Ma Dong Seok duo. In Peninsula it's Jeong Won and Min Jung duo. 
They went to the rouge's camp to retrieve a satellite phone, when Jeong won knew that Chung min was alived he tried to save him but was killed by Hwang. (One of the most hated character in this movie)
Jeong won escaped with the truck as Hwang and his underlings chased them and so as the zombies. 
The abandoned setting was adding thrill to the scene because they were driving fast a huge truck but there's so many obstacles in the road like collapse structures, abandoned cars etc.
And also the worry about the two sisters.
Due to Min Jung's driving skills too and Jeong won's in charge of the action. They managed to take down some of the cars that was chasing them. 
My favorite part of this movie was Jeong won bright idea to shoot the glass full of zombies so that they will fall to Hwang and his men. 
I literally clap on that scene 
Kang Dong Won was so cool! 

When everything seems okay as they nearly arrived the port. Out of nowhere Captain Seo (the 2nd hated person in this movie  shot Min Ju and grandpa and and selfishly stole the truck and took it to the ship. He said that he just wanted change his life. He was similar to the most hated person in Train to Busan haha. The man who bit Gong yoo who just wanted to go home to his mother in Busan but he was so selfish.
 Captain Seo got his karma because instead of rewarding him, they brutally killed him. Wanting to get revenge at the last minute, he reverse the truck so that zombies can enter the ship. 
And then a miracle happen, a helicopter came to their rescue. Injured Min Jung wanted to sacrifice herself for her children and Jeong won. But the duo still proved their chemistry for the last time.
And finally! They were saved! 

Honestly, the impact of Train to Busan was still really amazing. But I must say Peninsula have it's own charisma. 
In Train to Busan they were fighting for their lives in broad daylight. In Peninsula it's mostly night-time.
Both movies are scary and thrilling but I think Peninsula have more action scenes and definitely more zombies. 
And the most important Jeong won survived with Min Jung and the kids. 
No shedding of tears this time. 

Peninsula became a blockbuster hit despite the pandemic. Congratulations to the whole cast and crew 

P.s I love the child actor Moon Woo Jin. Too bad that he's only in the movie for a cameo. 

My rating would be C-minus
Let's say it doesn't feel like Korean movie rather feels like Hollywood popcorn masala.
